We Are Crazy Enough: A Worldwide Movement

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How it all began

We always believed in thinking differently and embracing new adventures. After successfully creating our first company at the ages of 20 and 22, and dedicating over four years to building it, we found ourselves at a crossroads. Despite our achievements, we felt a void—a yearning for deeper understanding and a desire to make a tangible impact on the world.

Our motivation stemmed from a profound desire to learn more about our world, to understand ourselves better, and to inspire others. We wanted to break free from the constraints of everyday life and seek out stories and experiences that would transform us. This burning curiosity and a quest for meaning led us to conceive the “We Are Crazy Enough” movement.

In just eight months, we made the bold decision to sell everything we owned and meticulously plan an extraordinary journey. Our mission was twofold: to find and share stories of remarkable individuals across the globe, and to challenge ourselves with the most exhilarating and unique experiences. We created a list of the craziest adventures worldwide and committed to stepping out of our comfort zone, embracing our fears, and living life to the fullest.

Days Traveling the World
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Unique Experiences
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Inspiring Stories
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Our adventure took us across six continents, where we collected over 50 signatures of inspiring people on our flag and completed more than 100 unique challenges. From skydiving to surfing, climbing towering mountains to meeting indigenous cultures, each experience was a testament to the beauty and diversity of our world. We connected with Paralympic champions, Everest conquerors, and activists fighting for women’s rights, each encounter reinforcing the power of human resilience and determination.

After more than 400 days of adventure, discovery, and inspiration, we can confidently say that if you have a dream, you should pursue it with all your heart. Make memories, live an unforgettable life, and dare to think and act differently. The world is vast, full of wonders and extraordinary people waiting to be discovered. Be CRAZY ENOUGH to embark on your own journey, and you’ll find that the possibilities are limitless.

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Why we decided to sell everything and travel the world

To be Inspired and Learn with Inspiring People

Our path crossed with some of the most inspiring individuals one could ever hope to meet. Paralympic champions who defied physical limitations to achieve greatness, climbers who conquered the formidable heights of Everest, and activists fighting tirelessly for women’s rights in India. Each person we met embodied the spirit of being CRAZY ENOUGH—enough to dream, enough to persevere, enough to make a difference.

Challenge Ourselves in Order to Grow

By stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing the most exhilarating and unique experiences, we aimed to push our limits and discover our true potential. These challenges, whether skydiving, training with Shaolin Monks in China, or scaling mountains, are opportunities for personal growth, teaching us valuable lessons and making us stronger. Each experience reinforced the idea that growth comes from facing our fears and pushing beyond perceived boundaries.

Spread a Positive Movement Worldwide

Our mission is to spread the message that anyone can achieve great things by being CRAZY ENOUGH. By sharing our journey and the inspiring stories we encounter, we hope to ignite a global movement that encourages positivity, courage, and bold action. We believe that showcasing these incredible tales of determination and success can motivate others to pursue their own dreams and make a positive impact in their communities and beyond.

Discover the World in a Unique Way

Traveling the world and immersing ourselves in diverse cultures and environments allows us to see the beauty and complexity of our planet. We chose to explore in unconventional ways, such as meeting indigenous communities and partaking in local traditions, to gain fresh perspectives and a deeper appreciation for the world around us. This approach not only broadened our horizons but also enriched our understanding of the myriad ways people live and thrive.

A Community of Crazy Enough people

As part of our “We Are Crazy Enough” movement, we embarked on an initiative to uncover the hidden gems of human experience by going to the streets and connecting with random people who had crazy enough stories to share. This initiative was born out of our belief that inspiration can be found in the most unexpected places and that everyone has a story worth telling.

We wanted to break down barriers and show that extraordinary lives are not just found in the headlines or among the famous, but in everyday people we pass by on the street. By listening to their tales of courage, resilience, and adventure, we aimed to shine a light on the incredible potential within all of us. These encounters enriched our journey, providing authentic, diverse perspectives that deepened our understanding of what it means to be CRAZY ENOUGH. 

What is "We Are Crazy Enough" movement

We Are Crazy Enough is a global movement that inspires people by uncovering and sharing extraordinary stories from around the world. The name “We Are Crazy Enough” highlights the idea that those who pursue remarkable and unconventional paths are often labeled as crazy. The belief is that achieving something remarkable doesn’t require being crazy—just “crazy enough.” The movement encourages individuals to step out of their comfort zones and embrace life to its fullest by immersing themselves in inspiring and transformative experiences worldwide.

Travel With Purpose.

Our Crazy Enough Stories

“Crazy Enough Stories” is a series dedicated to celebrating individuals who dared to dream differently. These are the people who defied the odds, embraced challenges, and pursued their passions with unwavering determination. Whether it’s a traveler who left everything behind to explore the world, an innovator who broke new ground, or someone who turned a personal journey into an inspiring mission—these stories highlight those who were “crazy enough” to believe in themselves and achieve the extraordinary. Through their experiences, we aim to inspire others to step out of their comfort zones and live life to the fullest.

country: indonesia
story: In the heart of Lombok, Indonesia, Andrean Saputra is leading a remarkable mission to save our oceans through the Indonesia Biru Foundation (IBF).
see the video

Monk Phra Maha Pranom

country: Thailand
about: Phra Maha Pranom Dhammalangkaro is a Buddhist monk leading a massive recycling effort in Thailand.
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Alok Dixit

country: India
about: Before 2013, acid attacks were not considered a crime in India. Alok Dixit realized this problem and, together with brave survivors of acid attacks changed India forever.
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country: Kenya
about: We had the opportunity to visit Kibera with Moses, who was born and raised there. Despite the adversity, he collaborates with other entrepreneurs of Kibera to improve the quality of life of everybody.
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See all the stories on the computer version of this website or on our social networks


country: Kenya
about: It is estimated that there are more than 300,000 street children in Nairobi alone. This is the story of Priest, a former Nairobi’s street children. Like Priest’s story, many others remain untold.
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maasai tribe

country: Kenya
about: The Maasai inhabit the African Great Lakes region and arrived via South Sudan. Most Nilotic speakers in the area, including the Maasai, the Turkana and the Kalenjin, are pastoralists and have a reputation as fearsome warriors and cattle rustlers.
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The bedouins

country: Egypt
about: We went to discover the Egyptian desert with the Bedouins, oldest inhabitants of the Arabian desert, and they lived in a nomadic way for generations.
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Emily Baker

country: USA
about: The United States it’s one of the countries with higher obesity rates. Emily was crazy enough to lose 135 pounds and run the NYC marathon.
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Sergio Florian

country: usa
about: Sergio was crazy enough to run around the perimeter of Oahu in 27 hours to inspire others to be more active.
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David Ambroz

country: USA
about: David experienced homelessness throughout most of his childhood. After growing up homeless and then in foster care, he became a national poverty and child welfare expert and advocate. President Obama recognized him as an American Champion of Change.
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Arly Velasquez

country: mexico
about: Arly's story is an inspiration to us all and shows his fearlessness. After breaking his spinal cord at 13 in a mountain biking accident, his ambition drove him to become one of the world’s top skiers in the world.
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Hannah Topler

country: mexico
about: Hannah was crazy enough to leave everything in Germany to go to Mexico without knowing the language and create Intrare. This startup helps refugees, women in vulnerable situations, and people in the LGBT+ community to find good job opportunities.
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ilya de marotta

country: panama
about: Quoted by Forbes as one of the 50 most powerful women in Central America, she became the first female deputy administrator of the Panama Canal.
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country: colombia
about: He was cover of Forbes before he turned 30. At 31, Alberto suddenly had a stroke and was given a 4% chance of surviving. When all the doctors said he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life, he showed everyone that nothing is impossible.
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country: colombia
about: Jessica is a barber. She is a barber, she is not a hairdresser, and it was difficult for her to make a name for herself in Colombia since it is a trade traditionally dominated by men.
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freddy marimon

country: colombia
about:Born without legs and with one arm in a low-income neighborhood of Cartagena, Colombia , Freddy's talent and skill on the waves quickly gained him recognition as one of the best surfers in the country. But more important than being a champion of the waves, he is a champion of life.
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country: bolivia
about: Cholitas Escaladoras in Bolivia are inspirational women that have shattered stereotypes and overcome obstacles to become some of the most skilled mountaineers in the world, and their passion and expertise are truly awe-inspiring.
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vicky and marcelo

country: bolivia
about: Vicky Ossio and Marcelo Levy are the founders of Senda Verde, a Bolivian animal refuge that provides a safe haven for rescued wildlife. Their dedication and passion for protecting endangered animals is truly remarkable and they are such an inspiring couple.
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country: argentina
about: Leila was crazy enough to create the first veterinary boat in Argentina.
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jorgito capalbi

country: argentina
about: Jorgito Capalbi was crazy enough to get out of prison and now sells more than 400 Burgers daily! An inspiring story that shows that it is always possible to change our reality and overcome ourselves, regardless of our past.
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marcelo szpilman

country: brazil
about: Marcelo was crazy enough to believe that he could create genuine fish meat, produced in the laboratory, without animal slaughter. Marcelo’s company has already managed to produce five types of fish. Two of these fish are on the Red List of Threatened Species.
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country: brazil
about: Meet the story of Marineth Huback, who, at age 85, still ventures into climbing, hiking, and rappelling. For Marineth, it doesn’t matter to live long. She wants to live well. An inspiring woman who shows us daily that nothing is impossible in life.
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country: brazil
about: Have you ever imagined turning a used disposable diaper into a hanger? The idea may seem crazy, but it came from Guilherme, who transformed garbage into a multi-million dollar business.
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football kids in brazil

country: brazil
about: x
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aretha duarte

country: brazil
about: Before May 2021, only 25 Brazilians reached the summit of Everest. Only 5 women. No black people. Aretha wanted to change history, but she needed the money. an incredible story that you can't miss.
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country: brazil
about: Carlos was crazy enough to create an orchestra of young people from the Favela of Maré, one of the most dangerous places in Rio de Janeiro. He was crazy enough because it was IN THIS SAME FAVELA that a criminal murdered her father.
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wallace martins

country: brazil
about: Everybody knows that Formula 1 is an elite sport. You may wonder how a guy that lives in a Brazilian favela can have a dream like that. Meet Wallace, known in Brazil as “Hamilton from Favela”.
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country: portugal
about: This couple was crazy enough to transform ocean waste into fashion products.
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5ª punkada

country: portugal
about: Fausto always had the dream of being the vocalist in a rock and punk band. But everybody called him crazy because he has cerebral palsy and can hardly speak; how could he sing? Well, someone believed him, and 29 years later, the band, made up of four musicians with cerebral palsy or mental disability, has already given more than 300 shows in multiple countries.
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filipa daniela

country: portugal
about: 2 million people die every year from malaria, a disease transmitted by a mosquito bite. Filipa was crazy enough to create an entirely different solution for this problem: a bracelet that makes mosquitoes think humans are plants!
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country: portugal
about: A restaurant where all the workers were homeless? A crazy concept, right? But that’s exactly what Américo created in Lisbon.
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country: portugal
about: Jeroen was crazy enough to create a company that can save our oceans.
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Some of the Crazy Enough experiences we did

“Crazy Enough Experiences” is a collection of extraordinary adventures from around the globe that surpass the ordinary. These journeys challenge the spirit, awaken the senses, and transform perspectives. Whether it involves climbing a mountain with a Cholita Escaldora, connecting with indigenous cultures, or engaging in life-changing adventures, these experiences are meant to inspire personal growth and meaningful connections. Each story showcases the beauty of stepping outside our comfort zone and embracing the unknown, encouraging others to explore the world with an open heart and a fearless mindset. 

country: vietnam
story: We were crazy enough to sleep and explore Hang En, the world’s third-largest cave.
see the video
country: china
story: We completed a week-long Kung Fu training program in China with the Shaolin warrior monks. The Shaolin training program is recognized as one of the most demanding in the world.
see the video
country: china
story: We were in Yangshuo, China, to learn Tai Chi with one of the best masters in the country and the world.
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country: united arab emirates
story: We're crazy enough to dive in the deepest pool in the world.
know more in our instagram
See all the adventures on the computer version of this website or on our social networks
country: USA
see the video
country: colombia
story: The Sierra Nevada mountains in Northern Colombia have been home to indigenous tribes for over 2,000 years. We decided to met them and know more about their culture.
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country: chile
story: With a breathtaking view, this experience was, so far, one of our favorite things to do on our world trip. A mixture of adrenaline, natural beauty, and resilience made this moment an unforgettable memory.
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country: bolivia
story: We're always in for new challenges. And when we knew of the possibility of climbing this mountain accompanied by a "Cholita Escaladora," a crazy enough person, we immediately packed our backpacks and went for the challenge.
know more in our instagram
country: USA
story: we couldn't miss this opportunity to skate surf in one of the most famous spots in the world: Venice Beach.
know more in our instagram
country: bolivia
story: Exploring Bolivia’s pristine rainforest was an adventure like no other - trekking through dense foliage, kayaking along winding rivers, and meeting the indigenous people who call this magnificent place home.
see the video
country: costa rica
story: Doing Waterfall Rappel and returning via a 100 steps long metal staircase was crazy and challenging but we are glad that you made it!
see the video

Our Movement on Social Media

Discover the stories behind our unique travel experiences and see the world through our perspective. Follow us on Instagram to add new destinations and adventures to your bucket list and join our movement. Connect with like-minded individuals seeking personal growth, meaningful connections, and inspiration through life-changing experiences and stories. Don’t miss out—be part of our adventure!

Our Blog

Our blog is a window into the world of unique experiences and meaningful encounters, inviting you to explore, learn, and be inspired.

Travel Tips

Unveiling South America's Thrills: 10 Unique Experiences

South America is a continent of unparalleled diversity and adventure, offering experiences that ignite the spirit of exploration and leave lasting memories. From the depths of the Amazon to the heights of the Andes, each adventure is a step into the extraordinary, inviting you to discover the magic of this captivating continent.

Travel Experiences

Training with Shaolin Monks: Embracing Discipline, Mindfulness, and Transformation

The ancient art of Shaolin Kung Fu is more than just a martial art; it is a way of life that encompasses discipline, mindfulness, and physical mastery. Our journey to train with the Shaolin Monks in China was one of the most profound and transformative experiences of our life.

Travel Experiences

Climbing Huayna Potosí: An Unforgettable Adventure with a Cholita Escaladora

Our adventure in Bolivia led us to one of the most breathtaking and challenging experiences of our world travels: climbing Huayna Potosí, a majestic peak in the Andes. Standing at 6,088 meters (19,974 feet), this iconic mountain is renowned for its stunning views and demanding ascent. What made our climb truly extraordinary was the company of Cecilia, a remarkable Cholita Escaladora.

Inspiring Story

accid atacks survivors in india

One of the most vicious forms of violence occurs in India: acid attacks. These attacks leave victims with devastating injuries, leading to physical debilitation, loss of income, and social isolation. However, the survivors of these heinous crimes refuse to be defined by their scars.



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